Muscle Gain Workout Plan

I will share few tips with you about muscle gain workout plant. muscle gain workout plan is the only exercise that truly brings a great mixture of elasticity, strength, cardio and fat burning.

muscle gain workout plan is different from those traditional workouts. Generally those traditional workouts are for people interested in body building. However it should be kept in mind, body building doesn’t necessarily mean strong and flexible muscle. For the people interested in general fitness and not body building, I would suggest muscle gain workout plan instead of those machine and weight lifting exercise which are best only for body building.

Every one of us wants to reduce extra pounds from our body, but none of us have much time required to do bodybuilding type exercise.  In our busy and hectic life we are incapable of spending daily 1-2 hours in gym as per suggestion of fitness expert. So now biggest question is how to gain muscle and maintain general body fitness?
muscle gain workout plan

The answer to all problem mention above is muscle gain workout plan. muscle gain workout  not only builds muscles but they also give it strength and flexibility. Moreover as compared to 2 hours workout of bodybuilding type exercise, muscle gain workout plan takes only 13 minutes. Yes you read it correct, only 13 minutes a day for your body fitness.

So here is solution to your question how to gain muscle with muscle workout. I am sharing my personal workouts that I exercise regularly and had not only given me strength and flexibility but also had burn my excess fat and given me muscular endurance.

WARNING: Before starting with these workouts please consult physician.

   Muscle Gain Workout Plan

-         Do Jumping Jacks for one minute

-         Workout with Body-weight squat with 15 to 20 repetitions. You can also do one leg squat for advance workout

-         Do side bends with 20 repetitions

-         Do as many Push-Ups as you can. For advance work out, carry on with slower push-ups.

-         Exercise Kick butts for one minute. Jog at one place and touch your rear with both heels.

-         Using Swiss ball, do Hamstring floor bridge with 20 repetitions.

-         Jog at one place lifting your knees as high as possible. This is known as High Knees workout. Do it for one minute.

-         Mountain Climber for one minute.

-          Do Wall Sit workout as much as you can.

-         Using Bench/Stair or Chair, do Dips. Continue with as many repetitions as possible for you.
muscle gain workout plan

-         Do Superman workout with 15-20 repetitions. For this workout lay down on stomach, stretch your both arms and lift your legs and chest away from floor.

Workout all this exercise with little or no rest in between. Number of repetitions and time may vary according to your current fitness level.

The main plus point of muscle gain workout plan is you can do it anywhere, whether it is home, gym, outdoor etc. There are thousands of other workouts that you can replace or add in the above mentioned workouts. The best way is to change exercise every 15 or 30 days.


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